Friday, 8 February 2013

Feb 8th, 2013 – Yuma Az

Feb 8th, 2013 –  Yuma Az                                                              Weather – lo 52/hi 73 clear
Total Kilometers this trip -  11315.9                                                Km travelled this day – 0

It was to be another relaxing day, but then Vadie wanted to go to garage sales, wow there sure are a lot here.

After the garage sales we came home to have lunch, then she said, lets go shopping.  Was this fun, hmmm let me see.

During lunch time, I did manage to squeeze some time in to look at a bathroom light that has not worked since we got the coach.  Something else which was not important.  It looks like a regular fixture but it is not powered by 120 volts, only 12 volts, no wonder the CFL light would not light up LOL.  I will be on the hunt now for a 12 volt medium base bulb.

While we were shopping this afternoon, the sky clouded over, and the temperature seemed to drop somewhat as the wind picked up, and around 9pm tonight it actually started to rain.  The bad thing with rain down here, the ground does not absorb it, so it creates large puddles, rivers everywhere, we understand know why there are gullies everywhere.

Special People tonight – members of our Kitimat 2012 Rally – Randy and Carol Dupree, Jim and Nancy Brookshire, Cliff and Barbara Vaughn. It was a first for us to host a mini rally, we had lots of fun preparing for it, and then enjoying the sites with them all.  Having been down here for some time now, it definitely is a different place where we live.  We take a lot of granted because we live with it all the time.  It was fun having part of the Bluebird family to share it with.

1 comment:

  1. Bill, It is fun reading about your adventures...

    I have about 6 of those 12V 50 watt bulbs...I could mail one too you or you could get it on your way back...

