Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Feb 26th, 2013 – Yuma Az

Feb 26th, 2013 –  Yuma Az                                                         Weather – lo 44/hi 68 clear
Total Kilometers this trip -  11315.9                                              Km travelled this day – 0

Another somewhat, do things as they come day. 

I let Vadie sleep in this morning, and woke her up with coffee. 

In the past three weeks we have been getting the paper delivered, actually the paper person throws the paper over the fence, and on rainy days, once this month, he actually puts it in a plastic bag, then throws it over.  I let Jake, our dog, out to do his morning ritual, then I go and clean it up hmmmm.   Once this is done, I call him and show him the paper, he now picks it up and runs into the coach with it, a couple of times he has brought it right into bed with Vadie, other times he requires some coaching.

I made breakfast, sausage, French toast, hash browns, a delicious breakfast.

After breakfast I headed outside to finish the wheels which I was polishing.  Jim and then Gerry, other snowbirders from BC, came over and instead of polishing we ended up talking for almost 3 hours, Vadie could not believe it, as she went uptown to do some more shopping and when she came home, we were all still talking HMMMMMM.

Once they left, Vadie had wanted to go orange and grapefruit picking for quite some time, so today was the day.  Off we went to the grove and did just that, and I have the battle wounds to prove it, those limbs are sharp.

Later in the afternoon, once there was shade again, I polished two of the three wheels.  They look pretty shiny. Once they are all polished I will post pics.

Also the bumpers on the coach are aluminum, but painted, and the paint is beginning to come off, so I took the paint off a small place and polished it, ahhh I really like it, maybe the bumpers might all come polished aluminum.

Vadie was busy in the kitchen as we are going to have guests over tomorrow for dinner, so she preparing for tomorrow, but today was a quickie, Kraft dinner, first time on this trip I think.

Here is a pic of the moon, I like it down here.

Special people today – Although they have passed away, they still remain deep within our hearts. Vadie’s father – Jerome, my father – Adrian, our grandparents, sister-in-law – Debbie, nephew – Sandy, and many residents that Vadie had cared for in her 16 years as a care-aide.

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