Thursday, 28 February 2013

Feb 27th, 2013 – Yuma Az

Feb 27th, 2013 –  Yuma Az                                                         Weather – lo 43/hi 69 clear
Total Kilometers this trip -  11315.9                                                Km travelled this day – 0

Another somewhat, do things as they come day. The weather was nice, but the wind picked up in the afternoon, but still warm.

I let Vadie sleep in this morning, and woke her up with coffee.  We had bagels for breakfast.

Went to thankyou party, from Yuma, to all the snowbirders. The city of Yuma should of had a welcome party with the information that was given out.

Vadie headed out to do some last minute grocery and clothe shopping, as well as take the car in for routine maintenance.

I continued on and finished polishing the last of the wheels, then I polished the strip along the skirt.

 aluminum on skirt polished
 wheel polished
 even have BB sticker

With the help of Sonny, the water container was put on top of the coach, then I tied it down, should be okay up there.

With our friends Herb and Jody Hood, and neighbours Sonny and Pat, we had a potluck type dinner. Jody brought chips and salsa, Vadie made spaghetti and Pat made us a brownie sundae dessert, a very delicious meal YUMMY.

After dinner, Sonny mentioned that we should be able to see the International Space Station streak across the sky from Northwest to Southeast, so we went outside and waited, it was a beautiful site to see.

Here is some pics of a rosary that Vadie made, it has 8mm round Rose Quartz being used as the beads.  It is heavy and looks very beautiful.
 one of Vadie's beading projects
 8mm round Rose Quartz

Special people today –  to my many mentors during my working career.  I have learned lots, remembered some and forgot lots, but each day goes by and I continue to learn.  Thankyou  to you all.

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