Saturday, 16 June 2012

SAINTS - end of life sanctuary for animals

One week ago, Vadie and I visited SAINTS.  This is a very unique sanctuary for animals, most of the animals are senior and were rescued or given as the owners did not want them anymore.
The animals range from cats and dogs, to llama, pigs, sheep, goats, horses.
It is sad to see the deformities, how cruel people can be with animals whether it be neglect or on purpose.

Saints farmyard.

Czar, Gideon

Pete - brought to SAINTS by animal control
Brad Pitt
Numerous animals on the owners bed
Memorial Garden - with Windchime trees, a chime is hung for each animal that has passed away, over 150 special friends.

To keep this sanctuary going, takes a lot of dedicated volunteers and staff to attend to each animal, as well as the maintence of the grounds and buildings.

If further interest you can go to their website:

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