Friday, 22 June 2012

June 20th - Salmon Arm BC to Coaldale Ab

June 20th  - Salmon Arm BC, heading to Coaldale
Vadie accidently turned on the security lights - dead batteries – generator started but the batteries are almost toast. Even though the batteries indicate that they are charged up, it still would not start the coach, ended up starting the generator so the battery chargers would help.
On our trip south to the Fraser Valley, the lights were flickering.  Since all the lights were flickering, I thought that it had to be the main or the master switch.  I had recently installed a very large marine style switch in the battery compartment, so I tried moving that back and forth, that did not help, so I moved the master switch under the dash and that seemed to help.  (this later turned out to be the problem when the engine would not start in Chilliwack).
We left Salmon Arm BC and headed to Coaldale Ab, but when we got to Golden, BC, the “do not shift” light “ kept coming on.  I knew I was having troubles  with the master switch so I figured that was the culprit again, was going to jumper it, took the dash apart but it was too large a job for me at that time.  I turned the switch on and off a number of times and things seem to work fine again, so off we headed again.  This is always adventurous, bridges, tunnels and twisty roads.

There was lots of construction on the roads, building bridges etc etc.

Saw some old cars, travelling in a group together

Rivers, creeks and side channels swelled up, lots of water everywhere, but then lots of rain too.

We travelled along Hwy 1, with the electrical not giving us too much trouble, we cruised steadily at 90kph, this seems to give us the best fuel mileage as well as the coach hums along.
We turned south on Hwy 22 in Alberta and went through the Turner Valley, and stopped at a pullout for the night – BUT whatever was there, I got the sneezes real bad, so we decided to press on a little bit, it was getting late and whenever I turned on my headlights well, the electrical went goofy.  We stopped at the next pullout and stayed there for the night.

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