Thursday, 4 October 2012

October 3rd – Rapid City, South Dakota - Chappell Nebraska

October 3rd – Rapid City, South Dakota - Chappell Nebraska                      Weather –Clear 9 C
Total Kilometers this trip – 4025.4                                                             Kilometers today –  408.8

We headed south on Hwy 79, then onto 385.  This highway is close to the gold rush trails of the mid 1800’s.  This also very beautiful country, but can be windy as there is no wind breaks.

A squirrel was unsure where he should go, I seen him dart out into the middle of our road path, I certainly was not going to swerve to miss him, but he must have stayed still, as both the bus and car passed over him then I saw him run to the side, he certainly used up one of his lives on that one.

As we headed south, the wind got stronger, the tumbleweeds were rolling down the highway with us, it was pleasant to drive with the wind behind us.  Later in the afternoon, the wind changed and was blowing across the highway, gusts up to 60kph, the tumbleweeds were now leaping across the road either with one or two bounces. 

Flagman having hard time standing up straight

The last 75 miles was tough driving, slowing down was the answer, but it still took two hands on the wheel to sort of keep us in a straight line.  We arrived at Chappell and found the campsite.
 Wind picking up dirt and making a haze

When we got to the campsite, I shut down to check in, then the bus would not start again – go figure. I finally got it started from the rear, so we moved to our spot.

We drove a little around the town, then stayed huddled in the bus as it was blustery outside, with the jacks firmly down we were pretty secure.

Special person – Curt Sprenger – for helping us get some parts when we get to Sante Fe. Also for all the work he does for WOG and Southwest Bluebirds.

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